(For a brief description in English, please scroll to the
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迪生 2016
聖多里尼島(Santorini)是整個愛琴海地區裡,景色最為出名的地方。但是比較少為人知的是:它其實是一座威力強大的火山。 在上一集當中,我和大家提過:克里特島Minoan古文化衰亡最可能的肇因,是聖多里尼島在西元前1600-1500年間多次猛烈的爆發。 為什麼在愛琴海當中會有這樣一座威力強大的火山呢?
當沉降板塊的前端,被推擠到某個深度之後,由於周圍溫度的上昇,而開始液化成岩漿,同時也釋出一些氣體。 因此,壓力和浮力都同時增加,所以這些新岩漿會往上尋找空隙噴出,而形成火山。 所以在距離板塊沉降海溝某些距離的地方,常常有和海溝大致平行的火山島弧。 從「海倫海溝」往北的第二個島弧,就是一個火山島弧。而聖多里尼島,就位在這個火山島弧的大致中點。
在過去的幾十萬年間,聖多里尼火山就處在「爆發崩塌à填充隆起à爆發崩塌à填充隆起」的循環當中。下圖是最近一次爆發前、後,陸地輪廓的大略比較。部分的火山口,在爆發後崩塌。所以這一系列的爆發,不但帶來了巨量的氣體、岩漿、和火山灰,後續的火山口崩塌,也會引起大型的海嘯,嚴重損害克里特島的北海岸城鎮、以及靠近陸地的船隊。 順便提一下:火山口中心附近的兩座小島,並不是當時爆發後殘留的,而是由在那次大爆發的一千多年以後的幾次小噴發的岩漿流,冷卻形成的。也就是上述「填充隆起」的顯現。
此次爆發崩塌後所遺留的最大島,就是現代人所稱的「聖多里尼島」。它的名字 「Santorini」是「Saint Irene」的拉丁文「 Santa Irini」的縮寫(此地曾經是羅馬帝國的一部分)。而此地的原始希臘文名稱,則是「Thera」。
近幾十年來,考古學家在聖多里尼島最南端,一個叫做Akrotiri的地方,挖掘出一座被厚厚的火山灰覆蓋了的 Minoan 文化古城。它的建築架構、器物型制、以至於壁畫的風格、色彩、和內容,都和在克里特島上發掘的相當近似。這說明了在火山爆發的前夕,聖多里尼島已經是Minoan 文化圈的一個重鎮了。
A brief description in English:
Santorini - A Phoenix from a Fiery Birth, part 1
can be touted as the best known scenic island in the Aegean region. Nevertheless, much less publicized is its calamitous
The tectonic movement between Eurasian Plate and African
Plate has led to a complex motion pattern among several platelets around the
Aegean region, as shown in my first illustration above. As a result, the Aegean Platelet is moving
southwestwards with respects to Eurasian Plate, whereas the African Plate is
moving northwards, sinking beneath the Aegean Platelet in the southeastern portion
of the Mediterranean Sea. This subduction
creates a volcanic arc, whose center portion lies Santorini Island.
Between 1600 BC and 1500 BC, a series of catastrophic
eruptions of Santorini Volcano brought about huge amount of volcanic gas and
ash. Furthermore, the subsequent
collapse of portions of the caldera sent huge tsunamis to the northern coast of Crete Island
in the south. Both calamities greatly
weakened the then prosperous Minoan Civilization, leading to its decline and
subsequent conquest by Mycenaean Greek from the Greece Peninsula.
The remains of this volcanic eruption and collapse are several new
islands, with Santorini being the largest and having high cliffs along its
western shore, which is actually part of the caldera rim of the volcano. Several modern towns are built on the top of these
precipitous cliffs, including the capital town of Fira near the mid-point of
the west coast, and the well-known tourist town of Oia near the northeastern
tip. The panoramic view of Aegean Sea, the streets and
houses straddling on the steep slope, and the community adherence to building’s
external color code, have formed many photogenic sceneries.
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