(For a description in English, please scroll down.)
多年以前,當我第一次見到九寨溝和張家界的風景照片時,頗為傾心。從此,這兩處一直是我的旅遊首選。十多天前,踏上飛機開始此行時,心裡還恍然如夢、若實若虛。 抵達成都之後,被導遊帶到一座美輪美奐的酒店。 四川是一個富有文化氣息的地方。從先秦時代的巴國和蜀國、西漢的大文學家司馬相如與其妻卓文君的美麗軼事、三國裡的蜀漢、中唐的避難於蜀與多位唐代詩人對蜀地的歌頌、後蜀孟敞與花蕊夫人的浪漫故事、及蘇珣、蘇軾、蘇轍的一門三傑,都不斷地薰陶著蜀地的文氣。連帶地,近年來四川對觀光資源的開發,也在在不忘它的文化傳統。從我們下榻酒店的周遭、用晚餐的餐廳、小至成都市錦里的垃圾桶、及都江堰市的公交車亭,都顯現出當地人對歷史文化的珍惜與運用。
Casual Notes on the Trip to 四川 (Si-Chuan Province of China) and 湖南(Hu-Nan Province of China), part 1
Several years ago when I first encountered the photos of 九寨溝 (literally means “Nine-Village-Valley”) and 張家界 (literally mean “The Territory of Chang’s Clan”), I was deeply captivated. Ever since, these two places have been my top choices for tourism. When I stepped on the airplane a score of days ago to commence this dream tour, the world still seemed only half-real. Upon arrival in Chengdu, the largest city in四川, I was led by the local tour guide to a splendid hotel. There are also a few photos from near-by the hotel and from a few other spots in Chengdu, which reflects local people’s effort of connecting with cultural heritage in building the infrastructure for tourism.
ReplyDeletevery good