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Sunday, December 1, 2013

川、湘之行隨筆之二 :大熊貓繁育基地

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     大熊貓一胎大多只生一隻,即使有雙胞胎,於野生情況之下,其中一隻也常遭母親棄養。(或許這種行為,可以確定至少一隻可以得到足夠的照顧。) 所以這批照片當中,有兩隻幼熊貓和母親嘻戲的鏡頭,是很難得的。

       The formal touring itinerary began with the visit to “Chengdu Giant Panda Proliferation Research Base”. This base was established more than 20 years ago for rescuing several individuals whose lives were threatened. As of today, the base supports more than 100 giant pandas, plus a few red pandas and some free-roaming peacocks. Many overseas giant panda, including the pair in Taiwan, were nurtured by this base.

       Most of giant panda’s gestations only produce one young. Even when twin are produced, one of which is often abandoned by its mother in the wild. (Perhaps this behavior can ensure that at least one cub gets sufficient care and nurture.) Hence, the scene of two panda cubs playing with their mother in this batch of photo is a rare one.


1 comment:

  1. 川、湘名人罄竹難書,川美女楊貴妃,湘才子沈從文,畫家張大千乃川才子,湘軍大將曾國藩~~~
