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Sunday, December 1, 2013

川、湘之行隨筆之十二 :樂山大佛

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     樂山大佛是中國佛雕藝術史上,一個很有趣的例子。 大歸模的中國佛雕藝術,起始於南北朝時期的北魏初年 (大約 450 AD)。一剛開始所引進的佛雕形式,是希臘美術和印度美術互相結合而成的腱馱邏美術形式(Gandharic Art style)。像雲崗石窟裡比較早期的作品,就是屬於這種形式。可是在其後的三百年間,中國佛雕藝術經歷了相當快速的轉型,漢化的影響越來越強烈。到了唐玄宗年間(713AD)所開始建造的樂山大佛 ,漢化的成分已經相當明顯。例如說臉部的輪廓,已經變得比較有稜角,而不像阿波羅式那種比較流線的臉部輪廓。而腱馱邏美術裡常見的淺式微笑,也不復可見。再則,佛像的坐姿已經從盤腿或交叉腿,轉成直角式的坐姿,手部也從打手印變為覆膝。還有,腱馱邏美術形式裡很常見的希臘式水流狀衣紋,也不復再現。所以從雲崗石窟、到龍門石窟 (大約始於 500 AD)、再到樂山大佛,可以看出這三百年間中國佛雕藝術的演化過程。



Casual Notes on the Trip to 四川 and 湖南, part 10

       This part of the travel notes concerns a giant stone statue of Buddha sitting on a river bank in a town called Lehr-Shan, which literally means “Joy Mountain”. This is the largest rock Buddhist sculpture in China. Its size is a reminiscent of the world-reknown giant standing sculpture of Buddha in Bamiyan, Afghanistan.
       The Lehr-Shan statue began to be built in 713 AD, which is about 150 years later than the Bamiyan statue in Afghanistan, in the hope of reducing ship wreckage near the site. The artistic style of Lehr-Shan statue receives influence from the Gandharic artistic style in Bamiyan statue, butwith a high degree of adaptation to traditional Chinese artistic style. The adaptation can be seen in the seating gesture, the drapery, and a few other places.

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